Thursday, May 25, 2017

SO Here I AM. Why? Why?

Today is a remarkable day to me. I have started my blogging life like everyone else. I will try to share what I think, thought of, from my whole life. Basically some sort of day dreaming, remarkable "Cut Screen" that snapped in memories, or even some shitty things happened before. This actually will be boring as hell. So I am sure this would not attract much people even in worst case, none at all.Then Why am I here? Since that I know there is no one will be interested in my blog style. I shared, but no one is there.

Days ago, I had realized that I had reached a dead end. Hold on, actually not that End yet. Should be like an inch away from the dead end since I had woken up. Right? The fact is, I am out of a way to earn extra pennies, even penny, other than a job that hardly cover up my living expenses. I can save none, even in debt-S. My Past had ruined my Future, I have to find a way or else shit goes everywhere to my friends that not much left, furthermore family I love the most. 

I started to search online to find a way out. To find an opportunity that may or should I say that Will change my drowning life. I searched and found ways of earning extra cash. I may write another blog for this part. Actually I Will write another blog for this. Somehow there was a night when a lightning stroked through the darkest sky~  I came across some articles online and found out one of the way is advertising in the BLOG.

SO here I AM. Here I am starting my first blog ever in my life and hopefully 1 day this may earn me something in return. Well experienced in managing blog posts. Enhance my poor and broken English. Improve my typing skills and speed. Actually those are too much for me. Who the hell I am? I don't deserve such marvelous rewards. Just omit all those valuable and precious gifts, buff me a permanent income like 2000 per month. Thats all I am asking for. Numerous things exchanged for only One wish. ONLY ONE!! Yeah that's right. I such am a Nice Guy. With a kind Heart.

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